CAP CANCER DONORSThe first Cap Cancer Blues Festival will take place Sunday, July 19, in Highgate Municipal Park beginning at 4 p.m. The community event will use hair cuts and music to raise funds for Camp Ta-Kum-Ta and for cancer research.
The community has supported the Cap Cancer Festivalin many ways. Here are some of the area business donors:
- All Arts Council - for organization and ongoing support.
- Hannafords Supermarket with ice cream and ongoing support.
- Highgate VFD Auxilliary with an exceptional social
- JC Image with great, locally made ball caps for participants
- KOOL 105 for publicity.
- Northwestern Medical Center with NMC ball caps and community support.
- Peoples Trust Company for financial and community support.
- St. Albans Messenger with publicity, assistance, and continuous ongoing support.
- Stewart Title Guaranty Co. with ball caps.
- Town of Highgate -- our hosts
The Cap Cancer Blues Festival is an all volunteer community effort. The bands have donated their performances. All proceeds will be shared by Camp Ta-Kum-Ta and the American Cancer Society for cancer research.
Dick's Personal Message dickharper.com harperco.net northpuffin.com